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AGC of Utah Political Action Committee (PAC)

The AGC of Utah PAC is essential in advocating for the construction industry. By supporting pro-construction candidates in the Utah Legislature, the PAC helps advance policies that promote infrastructure investment, streamline regulations, protect fair contracting practices, and address workforce shortages. A strong PAC ensures that the industry's voice is heard in policymaking, creating a business-friendly environment that supports contractors, workers, and the overall economy in Utah.

AGC Government Affairs Logo (1)

The Voice of Utah's Construction Future, helping protect our industry since 1922.

Defending Utah's

Construction Industry

Supporting Elected


Collaborating With

Utah Communities

Your Investment in the P.A.C. directly impacts

the future success of the Construction Industry. Make a difference by contributing today!

How does your investment in the AGC PAC help protect your business?

Supports industry friendly elected officials on a local, state, and federal level and supports their election campaign efforts.

Engages lobbyist who advocate for the construction industry with policy makers and administrative staff.

Furthers collaboration efforts with community organizations, federal partners, state agencies, and local governments.

Strengthens AGC’s efforts to engage in policy, education, funding, and project decision with state, federal, and local governments.

State of Utah Capitol hill complex in Salt Lake City, historic exterior and rotunda dome interior with house, senate and soupreme court chamber, staircase, and paintings, tourist visitors

Recent issues your AGC PAC investment has resolved, or will help resolve in the future:

Mandatory prevailing wage on private and public projects.

Increased funding for state projects and infrastructure development.

Ban on registering heavy-duty vehicles in non-attainment counties.

Unreasonable regulation on employee relationships and hiring practices.

Reforming education (K-12, and higher ed.) to emphasize the trades.

Changes to lien, liability, and risk laws in multiple aspects.

AGC of America Political Action Committee (National AGC PAC)

Similar to the Utah PAC, the AGC of America PAC advocates for the construction industry at the national level by supporting pro-construction candidates in Congress. By helping elect lawmakers who understand the industry’s challenges, the PAC advances policies that strengthen the construction workforce, protect fair tax policies, boost infrastructure investment, and fight burdensome federal regulations.

United States Capitol Dome in Washington DC
A team of skilled workers constructs a durable metal frame building at a housing development site in America, contributing to the growing real estate market in the USA.

AGC of America Political Action Committee (National AGC PAC)

Similar to the Utah PAC, the AGC of America PAC advocates for the construction industry at the national level by supporting pro-construction candidates in Congress. By helping elect lawmakers who understand the industry’s challenges, the PAC advances policies that strengthen the construction workforce, protect fair tax policies, boost infrastructure investment, and fight burdensome federal regulations.

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